Meaningful Use Attestation
All eligible professionals participating in the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive program must attest annually to receive their Meaningful Use incentive payment. To do so, providers must meet all of the requirements for the Stage they are attesting to over the specified reporting period.

CareCloud makes Meaningful Use attestation easy
How Do I Attest for Meaningful Use?
Medicare Eligible Professionals
Attesting for Meaningful Use is a 3-step process:
Step 1: Register
To get started, be sure to register with CMS for the EHR Incentive program if you haven’t already. Note that CMS allows eligible professionals to designate a third party to register and attest on their behalf.
Step 2: Report
Use CareCloud Charts, an MU Stage 1 and Stage 2 certified EHR, for your entire reporting period. CareCloud Charts provides you with rich, detailed reporting capabilities that show how you are tracking toward meeting Meaningful Use criteria across core and menu objectives.
If you are attesting for MU Stage 1: Once you have completed your reporting period, CMS has a worksheet to help you get organized, and calculator that allows you to test whether you’ve successfully met the criteria needed to get paid.
If you are attesting for MU Stage 2: Once you have completed your reporting period, CMS has a worksheet to help you get organized, and calculator that allows you to test whether you’ve successfully met the criteria needed to get paid.
Learn more about what Stage you should be attesting to by following the CMS participation timeline.
Step 3: Attest
Attest with CMS to receive your Meaningful Use dollars. Once you submit your information, you will find out immediately if your attestation has been successful to receive your incentive payment.
Medicaid Eligible Professionals
If you are a Medicaid Eligible professional, you will register using the CMS Registration and Attestation System, but must attest through your State’s Medicaid Agency website. Find out more about the details of each state’s Medicaid EHR attestation requirements.
For more information on attestation, check out the CMS attestation user guide for Stage 1 or Stage 2.