Recently migrated to a new practice management system? Planning on making a move in the near future? A lot can happen as you install new medical practice management software in your business, but one of the most crucial success factors is proper training.
Making sure staff is fully trained is of the utmost importance to getting the full benefits of a new system. From my experiences with implementing and developing training programs for medical groups, certain practices definitely make a difference in staff knowledge.
Tips for effective training include:
#1. Identify your SME and make sure they get in on the ground floor of implementation. Do you have someone on your staff who is extremely knowledgeable on software, industry terminology and office workflow? Then you have a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on staff. These are the people that will learn software faster, figure out best methods for workflow, and often help team members when they are stuck. Identify and get them involved as early as you can so that they can help carry your team through the learning process.
#2. Set aside time for training. This might seem like a no-brainer, but in my years of training, I see many groups forgo this. Healthcare is complicated stuff, from meaningful use to revenue cycle management. How can you support team members productivity if they do not have the time to learn the new system?
New CareCloud clients gain access to our Learning Center educational videos that users can digest before they ‘go live.’ Allow team members to try the practice management software, especially the functions they’re most likely to use (such as medical billing software features). Set aside a couple of hours before or after shifts, or even on a Saturday, dedicated to training and using resources like our Learning Center. It can be easier if you choose an online practice management system. But either way, you’ll help better prepare your team members for the launch.
#3. Incentivize training (Yes really!) It may sound like an absurd concept to pay team members extra for learning how to do their work, but it is definitely a motivating factor. Provide overtime to team members who are willing to stay longer to learn or to help others learn. This will give your team specific time to focus on learning. Even simple gestures such as offering gift cards for completing learning tasks prior to a deadline can go a long way to motivate staff to gain knowledge and familiarity with the new system.
I hope you find these tips helpful. Got a tactic that works well for training in your medical practice? Share it in the comments section below.
Want a system that makes training easy? Check out this video on CareCloud Complete.